Monday, January 16, 2012

Organics That Taste Good: Newman's Own Organics

Sometimes eating healthy, natural and/or organic seems like such a hassle - but eating better doesn't have to mean sacrificing yummy foods! There are quite a few natural and organic companies these days that make food that tastes just as good (or better) as they're not-so-healthy competitors!

Organics That Taste Good: Newman's Own Organics
Newman's Own Organics offer a wide range of organic products - everything from cookies to popcorn to tea and coffee! I've tried most of their products and they're delicious! Here's a few of the tasty snacks they offer:

Dried Fruit
Yeah, I know what you're thinking... "Dried fruit?? That's not innovative and it certainly isn't blog worthy!" But guess what? It's totally blog worthy!!! There's a few things I love about Newman's Own Organics dried fruit. First of all, the fruit is dried (really?). It's not going to go bad in a week, you don't have to peel it, slice it, juice it, etc. You open up the bag, grab a handful and snack! Plus, it's still moist and juicy on the inside! It's not overly dry and coated with sugar like the junk you find in trail mix. Here's the real kicker though - The prunes are amazing. They're like little bites of sweet juicy goodness! I don't know many people who like prunes but I think if I handed these out to people, they'd love them!


Yes, they do kind of look like Oreo's, don't they? Here's the difference - Newman-Os contain organic ingredients! My little brother and sister have been eating these after school the past week or so and they have no idea what organic even means... To them, they're just yummy cookies. 
In other words, they're great for introducing little ones to organic products without giving them too much of a flavor shock. You'll have them hooked on organics in no time and they won't even know it!


It seems as though many people who are trying to eat healthier are quick to swear off sweets and candy. Slow down there, candy isn't deadly if you eat the right kind...
Newman's Own Organics Licorice comes in 4 flavors: Black Licorice, Strawberry, Tangerine and Pomegranate *drool*. I've tried them all and not only do they taste good but they're low in fat and sodium and are cholesterol and trans fat free! (See, I told you it wasn't deadly!)

This is just the beginning of it - Newman's Own Organics has way more products (like family recipe cookies and chocolate cups) and I'm sure there's something for everyone who already loves or wants to try eating organic!

1 comment:

  1. Hi, I'm your newest follower. Those Newman products look great!
